JustinDupree's Journal

JustinDupree's Journal


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20 entries this month

14:18 Jan 31 2014
Times Read: 423

I'm bored, tired and frustrated that I can't sleep. Fuck. Me. Sideways.




07:04 Jan 31 2014
Times Read: 426

My brother found my kindle! Woot! So I'm probably going to be reading late. Go me. It feels so good to have this little gray beauty back in my hands. Oh how I missed you small electronic which holds all my ebooks that I totally didn't pirate at all. ;)




07:06 Jan 29 2014
Times Read: 431

Day three without my kindle. I'm probably going to go crazy. So if I start posting about blibbedy blee bloops you'll know I fell off the lumpin' sane wagon.




07:04 Jan 29 2014
Times Read: 432

Anyone know what games they are adding to the Instant Game Collection for playstation plus in February? I have not been able to find this info where as usually I find the IGC addys easy peasy.




09:03 Jan 27 2014
Times Read: 437

Yesterday I somehow misplaced my Kindle and as a grown ass man I'm not embarassed to say I want to cry like a little kid whose favorite tv show got cancled.




09:21 Jan 25 2014
Times Read: 442

Today was a lonely day. For some reason I felt clingy. I hate when I feel like that. One cause I feel weak and two because it always seems to ruin the day or cause problems. *sighs* Heres to a stronger less clingy tomorrow. *crosses his fingers*




00:51 Jan 23 2014
Times Read: 456

Bioshock infinite. Wow. I had planned on writing this sooner but I'll be honest I liked the game so much I finished it a second time before I started this review. First on normal difficulty and then again on hard. I'll try and keep spoilers to a minimum.

First off let me say this, this game isn't like the other Bioshock games. This game takes place on a city flying high above the clouds. How cool is that? I thought Irrational did a great job of capturing the essence of a flying city. The clouds look great and the atmosphere is, in my opinion, just as enjoyable as Rapture was for me in the first two games.

Vigors replace plasmids but essentially they are the same thing. One of my favorite combos involved two of the first Vigors you end up getting. In Bioshock Infinite, "Gear" replaces the passive plasmids of the first two games. You can equip gear in four different slots, hat, shirt, boots, and pants. Each piece is different giving you many different combinations and benefits. Some give you higher damage and others give you faster movement. I kept the same set through normal but ended up switching my gear a bit more frequently to make it through hard mode. Especially toward the end.

Elizabeth is actually helpful which surprised me. Having played Resident Evil 4 and such I fully expected her to be "eyecandy" for the most part. A lot of devs add a "follower" which in reality adds nothing more than conversation between the two for the story. Elizabeth adds more than that. She will find items during a fight and toss them to you, she can give you ammo and health just to name a few and the conversations she as with Booker are actually worth listening to.

The combat is much the same from the first two games. Guns can be upgraded and switched. I used the Carbine quite a bit both of my times tramping though Columbia as it was a weapon I felt comfortable with as it gave both a decent clip size and damage output. This proved especially true once upgraded. The secondary I switched depending. Health and Salts (the equivalent to Magic points or mana) as well as a shield can be upgraded via potion transfusions throughout the game. These are sneakily hidden and sometimes difficult to find but worth it, especially on harder difficulties.

I enjoyed the story. While it was confusing at times, especially toward the end, the story was rich and full. I didn't expect many of the plot twists but they made sense once they popped in. The story isn't lacking depth or anything like that. It's solid.

Overall this game is totally worth playing. Especially currently as it's free for Playstation Plus members. I would have paid full price for Bioshock Infinite though as it was totally worthy of $59.99 to me. Anyone who liked the previous Bioshock games will probably like this as well. Rating? I give this game a 9/10 because honestly it's a great game. It far exceeded my expectations and I'll certainly play it again in the future.



01:31 Jan 23 2014

My daughter loves this game and she watches Bioshock Infinite Ending explained complete analysis on YouTube.

She plays this game quite often, I think she's on her third or fourth run of it

03:00 Jan 23 2014

Did you get the add-ons to it? One of the add-ons takes place back at the bottom of the sea again. And I don't know about the other one.

18:39 Jan 23 2014

Yeah I'll probably play it atleast 2 more times. I'm two trophies away from the plat so I can totally see her playing through more than once. Its a good run.

As for the add ons, I haven't got them yet but once I have some extra cash I do plan on getting them. I might go the season pass route depending on how long it takes me to get around to the dlc.


23:12 Jan 16 2014
Times Read: 462

Endure. And. Fucking. Survive. Endure and survive. I will get that tattood on me yet you wait and see. Maybe my forearm. That way when I find out news that makes me sad and fall apart inside I can just look at my stupid arm.




20:45 Jan 14 2014
Times Read: 473

The first game I'll review this year is Bioshock Infinate. I'm currently downloading it from the Playstation Store. Give me a while to finish it and I'll post the review. I've been looking forward to this one so it shouldn't take long to have the review up unless something comes up.



21:20 Jan 14 2014

It's a very good game. Better plasmids than Bioshock 1 and 2. It felt like a short game to me. But, I do not know if they added any add-ons to it since I played it, though.

To me, I still feel that Bioshock 1 and 2 are good games also. Including taking down the Big Daddies and Big Sisters.


04:01 Jan 11 2014
Times Read: 486

It's been a long time since I've done a game review. I used to do those sometimes, especially if I liked the game, but for some reason I stopped. I'm not sure why to be honest but I really want to start that back up again. In response to my desire to resume the game reviews, starting soon I will continue the reviewing. It won't be brand new games but as I play them I'll toss my two cents in and tell the pros and cons that I've discovered while playing them. I tend to give my personal opinions and not so much the "critical" reviewing that you'd come to see from a more professional site. I don't write for IGN or Game Informer or anything like that so don't expect magazine quality reviews. If I like something about a game, I'll say so. If it bugs me, I'll say so. This way anyone who actually takes the time to read my rubbish and who also happens to enjoy gaming like I do, can at the very least have something to read, instead of my usual bs. So here's to games! Huzzah.



05:11 Jan 11 2014

How about Dead Island: Riptide. Purna Character.

00:26 Jan 13 2014

If I had Riptide I would gladly playtrough it and review it. I've so far only played Dead Island GOTY so I might throw a review up of that one once I finish it.


22:15 Jan 07 2014
Times Read: 490

I can't wait to get the fuck out of here. I need to get the fuck out of here. I want to get the fuck out of here. Why can't I get the fuck out of here? Why doesn't the world want me out of here? Why?




02:19 Jan 07 2014
Times Read: 494





20:14 Jan 03 2014
Times Read: 503

I guess I didn't realize how far it had progressed. I figured "If it was just that one time maybe it didn't mean anything." But who was I kidding? Of course it did. How could it not? Kissing someone means something and people forget that now a days. Friends of different genders don't kiss on the lips. If you're kissing someone on the lips they aren't your "friend" anymore. They've acended, evolved if you will, into something more. I've never kissed my friends on the lips. I've never even kissed my friends on the cheek. Not until her and it was my way of showing both her and myself I was ready and willing to be more. That I wanted to be more. That I felt more. People don't take kissing as seriously as I do as a generalization anymore but maybe I'm old fashioned.




10:46 Jan 03 2014
Times Read: 509

Ugh. The first night in a long time I fall asleep at a semi decent hour and I end up up having a fucking nightmare. Fuck my mother fucking life running sideways. Now I'll be up for atleast a couple more hours until I can relax enough and thats even if I can get back to sleep at all. Nice going brain. On the plus side I did have a pretty good evening. Go me.




14:33 Jan 02 2014
Times Read: 511

Man I have got to stop doing this shit. Two days with no sleep sucks. I feel like my brain is running sooo slow. Crazy. Oh well. Off to read or something.




01:25 Jan 02 2014
Times Read: 516

It's cold outside. 20°F. The wind was kinda blowing too so that made it feel colder. I probably should have wore gloves but meh. I just needed air. I couldn't breathe in here. Not after finding that out. I think I can hide my feelings though. I've been doing okay so far lately. So heres to one day at a time.




23:33 Jan 01 2014
Times Read: 520

And so it begins. And I was right this whole time no matter how much it was denied. I knew it.




15:45 Jan 01 2014
Times Read: 525

I know I've said this before but I'm going to say it again. I can relate to Shane from The Walking Dead. The way his friendship with Rick was progressed. His relationship with Laurie and his feelings toward her. In a way it reminds me of my former best friend. We were closer then brothers but jealousy and pride came between us where he couldn't deal with it anymore and I had to terminate the friendship. It seems I've been betrayed by a lot of "best" friends in my life with his being one of the most devestating. Sometimes I wonder how he is still. Sometimes I want to contact his brother to find out. It wouldn't be hard. All I'd need is to have my brother message him on facebook or something since I don't have facebook. I know it's not good for me though so I don't. He and I are better off not finding out anything about either of us. I still get curious sometimes though. Meh. I'm rambling. It's 10:45 am and I still haven't slept so, VR, you can just deal with it. XD




12:21 Jan 01 2014
Times Read: 528

Can't sleep. Fuck. My. Life. Sideways. I did finish Bioshock 2 though so at least I've got that going for me. I didn't have a very good evening other than that but what can you do. Happy New Years to all. Ima go read or something.




04:30 Jan 01 2014
Times Read: 482

Started a game on Bioshock for ps3 the same night I was last on here. I've since finished the main story and started Bioshock 2. I think I'm close to the end on it. I think Bioshock is a good series. I enjoyed playing it. Its a good experience. I'm looking forward to playing Infinate eventually.



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